SITIA is specialized in the realization and the design of turnkey test benches for the wood and furniture industry.
Our company also provides the retrofit of machines and studied all new need for specification testing benches.
The Sitia test benches meet European standards (14074, 581-2, 1335-3, 1957, 107, 162, 14609…).

- Bench furniture platform (standard EN 14074):
This bench allows mechanical testing load and fatigue through the application of horizontal and vertical forces, vertical impacts and shocks. It can be used for tables, cabinets, beds, mattress, for early childhood furniture, kitchen, bathroom, office, outdoor, community and school furniture. The bench is provided with all its accessories. - Seat test bench:
This bench performs tests of fatigue on the seat and back of seats through the application of vertical and horizontal forces. - Test-bench drawers:
This bench features a drawer fatigue behavior. He performs the manoeuvre of the drawer by pulling on the handle and to measure the effort required for the opening. - Testbed mattress:
This bench carries out tests of characterization in fatigue of the mattress with a roller. It also allows to perform measurements of effort, mobility, fatigue of the edges, hardness so that to calculate the index of firmness.
- Stability tests
- Test rollers
- Impactor
- Tests of structure:
This bench is used to test the behavior in fatigue, tensile, compression of structural elements (beams, pillars,…) - Container disposal:
This tray for boiling water to carry out tests on panels. - Immersion for door tray:
It allows to perform tests on doors and includes support for 2 panels - Soft shock (standard EN 162):
This bench consists of a device enabling to drop a 30 kg bag on a door kept in horizontal or vertical position. - Bench calibration of force sensors and dynamometer:
This bench is a mobile system mounted on a table which allows to control tensile and compressive force sensors and dynamometers - Bench creep:
This bench allows l ‘ application of loads on the part to be tested. Equipped with a sensor of effort and a displacement transducer, it can also perform a measurement of the bending of the piece in the middle. - Cart racks:
It is used for drying of products applied. - Bench mechanical tests of window (standard EN 107):
This bench allows the application of vertical and horizontal loads (cloaking tests) on a window. Tooling (masses with brackets and pulleys) is provided. - Wheel of accelerated degradation:
This bench checks the ability of wood to retain its properties when subjected to constraints of accelerated aging.